Costaveras Arquitetos

Like two parallel lines, Juliano Costa andBruno Veras followed their lives by drawing their personal andprofessional trajectories. There wer many experiences, diferent areas of practice, a lot of learning. At one point, in 2003, theselines crossed and the Costaveras Arquitetos office emerged. This intersection happened for a genuine love in 2common: architecture. Passion for being inspired, creating, drawing,integrating space, nature and people. Architects believe that the quality of the environment, be it work, housing orleisure, has a direct influence on the quality of life.This intersection happened for a genuine love in common: architecture. Passion for being inspired, creating, drawing, integrating space, nature and people. Architects believe that the quality of the environment, be it work, housing or leisure, has a direct influence on the quality of life.Architects’ involvement is visible in projects, with customer desires, deadlines and budgets set. They are architects of exterior and interior, for they see architecture to itsfullest.The aim is always to offer original, functional, personalized residential and commercial design, in harmony with the environment, that takes advantage of natural light and welcomes those who pass through it. They work a lot of wood, stone, glass, steel and the sensations that materials with their shapes, colors and textures are capable of causing.They are closely linked to trends, technologies and avant-garde within the area of expertise. They seek the best references, the best partners, suppliers andsolutions to together deliver the beauty and efficiency that your project architecture deserves.

28th February, 12:45 pm

Moore Building