FGP Atelier

Fgp Atelieris an emerging global practice led byinternationally recognized architect Francisco Gonzalez pulido. Gonzalez pulidobrings over 25years of experienceto his work which has been acknowledged for advancing the quality ofthe built environment through the alignment of design, science, art and technology. The work of Fgp Atelier is guided bytransparency, openness and freedom. These values are reflectedin our process and collaborations, as well as in the buildings and spaces that we create. Our mission is to contribute to social and economic advancement through the alignment of design, science and technology. Our work builds on logic, intuition, multidisciplinary collaboration, scientific research and work experience to design active spaces, infrastructure and urban networks that respond to atmosphere, ecology, comfort, economy, culture and the technological context. we believe in experience over typology and stand for the dissolution of archetypical interventions. Our approach is symbiotic and defines our design excellence. Our projects have been recognized globally for design innovation, vitality, and integrity.we strive for depth in lightness, wedream of space defined by endless connectivity.

29th February, 11:45 am

Moore Building